Managing residential properties has always been a core part of our business. Doing so effectively involves exceptional interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and a solid understanding of the relevant areas of legislation. We are delighted to have bolstered our already outstanding team of experts with a recent addition. Meet Disha Ladha, a seasoned professional in property management.
Disha joined AWH in December 2023 and brought with her an extensive understanding of the complexities that being a property manager can involve. Having now worked in property management in London for over 11 years, she admits that while she almost stumbled into the job by accident she has never looked back!
Disha originally started as an administrator at another firm, where she was fortunate to have been given a lot of opportunities to move into the management of the properties in their portfolio. Since then, she has built a strong understanding of the ever-changing legislation revolving around the industry and she realises the importance of never becoming complacent.
Disha explains:
To be honest, it’s the everyday challenges that keep me interested. You wake up and hear on the news that some legislation or other has changed, or there is an update to fire safety. Every day, you get to learn something new.
While this need to stay on top of the latest legislation and practices keeps her engaged, Disha also values the fact that you can be as involved in the many different aspects of managing and maintaining a property as you want to be. For instance, Disha loves to listen to the surveyors, finding out about the external fabric of the buildings or the different types of issues that could affect the structure of a building, and she is excited that there is scope to do so within the role.
There is so much to know about the building structure – about everything, to be honest; it is fascinating!
An excitement for new things
She does recognise though that not everyone likes to be as involved in the technical aspects as she does. If someone would rather leave that side of things to the professionals, then there is still plenty to keep a property manager busy.
However, Disha is not someone who likes to rest on her laurels. When asked what she is looking forward to learning in her new role at AWH, she immediately focussed on two aspects, the first being the technical element.
While she is aware that she currently does not have the time to study to become a qualified surveyor, she relishes being able to work alongside AWH’s team of chartered surveyors, exploring and learning various technical aspects of the role.
Disha is also really interested in developing new business, having never been involved in that side of the role before. Learning how to market, network, and meet new clients, is something she is intrigued by, and she looks forward to the opportunities she knows she will be able to develop.
I have never been involved in marketing before. I really look forward to getting AWH in front of new clients, showing them what we can do for them.
A love for beautiful architecture
A natural people-person, Disha has loved getting to know our clients and the properties she has been introduced to so far are very different to those in her previous role, which were primarily in suburban areas of London. The properties she has been given responsibility for since starting at AWH are based much more centrally, often consisting of properties built in an Edwardian or Victorian architectural style.
I love the older look of those properties. You walk into some of them and feel like you are stepping into a Mary Poppins movie!
If you would like to talk to Disha or another member of the team about how AWH can help take the pain out of managing your property, please call us on 0800 071 5517 or email We look forward to working with you.