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Tag Archives: economy

Four Neighbourly Considerations for Home Extensions

Four Neighbourly Considerations for Home Extensions

Planning a home extension is a popular venture that offers increased space and comfort without the rigours of moving house. However, a responsible and sustainable extension involves more than just grand designs. It requires careful consideration of neighbouring properties. Read on to discover four key factors to consider when planning an extension to ensure harmonious […]

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Uncertain Times: Election Impact on Holiday Lets

Uncertain Times: Election Impact on Holiday Lets

With the general election looming, holiday let owners find themselves navigating uncertain waters in an already tumultuous sea of regulatory changes and economic shifts. March’s Spring Budget announcement stirred both excitement and apprehension among owners of furnished holiday lets (FHLs). The surge in short-term holiday lets, fueled by the growth of platforms like Airbnb, prompted […]

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The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

In the midst of property market disruption, homes with high energy efficiency ratings and eco-friendly design aspects are holding their value, suggesting a green path toward a more stable future for homeowners and investors. With homebuyers of the immediate future showing unprecedented concern for environmental impact, the benefits of eco-friendly housing transcend individual investments, fostering […]

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