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Tag Archives: commercial property

Four Urban Spaces Primed to Become Homes

Four Urban Spaces Primed to Become Homes

In light of recent economic and societal shifts, developers are transforming underutilised commercial spaces into community developments. This strategy aims to meet growing housing demands while rejuvenating neglected areas and reducing the ecological impact of demolition and rebuilding. Read on to discover four types of urban development currently being transformed into residential and community spaces. […]

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Our Valuation team continues to grow – Meet Dominic Morris

Our Valuation team continues to grow – Meet Dominic Morris

With the wide variety of properties we work with, we are always looking out for property experts who have a well-rounded skillset. Our team of Chartered Surveyors, Property Managers and Registered Valuers are some of the most experienced and versatile property experts around and we are delighted to have further increased the expertise found within […]

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Valuation expertise based on a strong foundation in business – Meet Helena Gleeson

Valuation expertise based on a strong foundation in business – Meet Helena Gleeson

We are delighted that Helena Gleeson, BSc (Hons) MSc MRICS has joined our incredible Valuations team recently. Helena is an experienced Chartered Surveyor and RICS Registered Valuer who works on valuations across a wide range of asset classes. Her interest in property began during the summer break whilst she was at university. She spent the holidays on an […]

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The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

In the midst of property market disruption, homes with high energy efficiency ratings and eco-friendly design aspects are holding their value, suggesting a green path toward a more stable future for homeowners and investors. With homebuyers of the immediate future showing unprecedented concern for environmental impact, the benefits of eco-friendly housing transcend individual investments, fostering […]

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