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Tag Archives: residential property

Four Neighbourly Considerations for Home Extensions

Four Neighbourly Considerations for Home Extensions

Planning a home extension is a popular venture that offers increased space and comfort without the rigours of moving house. However, a responsible and sustainable extension involves more than just grand designs. It requires careful consideration of neighbouring properties. Read on to discover four key factors to consider when planning an extension to ensure harmonious […]

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Our Valuation team continues to grow – Meet Dominic Morris

Our Valuation team continues to grow – Meet Dominic Morris

With the wide variety of properties we work with, we are always looking out for property experts who have a well-rounded skillset. Our team of Chartered Surveyors, Property Managers and Registered Valuers are some of the most experienced and versatile property experts around and we are delighted to have further increased the expertise found within […]

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How Proptech is Defining the Future of Real Estate

How Proptech is Defining the Future of Real Estate

If you’re a property professional, chances are you’re already reliant on Proptech. Short for “property technology”, Proptech encompasses a wide range of digital tools and solutions, including data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and smart home technology. Professionals are already using Proptech solutions to analyse the market, make investments, and value properties. However […]

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The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

The Local and Global Benefits of Green Housing

In the midst of property market disruption, homes with high energy efficiency ratings and eco-friendly design aspects are holding their value, suggesting a green path toward a more stable future for homeowners and investors. With homebuyers of the immediate future showing unprecedented concern for environmental impact, the benefits of eco-friendly housing transcend individual investments, fostering […]

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